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The guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov


The guesthouse Šelenburk was built in 1996 on the place of the former gamekeeper’s lodge on the hill of Cvilín rising over the Krnov, the city located on the Czech – Polish national border. From the terrace room of the guest house You can see Poland already. The name of the guesthouse was given after the nearby ruin of the even named castle from the 13th century. The ruin is one of many sights of the guest house area that You can visit. The guesthouse is surrounded by forests. So not only the hikers but even the moutain-bikers would have a slice of the action – the neighbouring forests are interlinked with dozens of bikeways. Of course, You have the possiblities for winter sports as well.
The guest house has a private ski slope with a rolba maintained snow cover, other possiblities of skiing are those in the ski resort of Karlov, apx. 40 km far from Krnov, or on the highest mountain of Jeseníky – Praděd. In the conditions of a good weather, Praděd is visible just from the windows of the guesthouse Šelenburk.

Penzion a restaurace Šelenburk
V zálesí 31
794 01 Krnov
GPS: 50°04'30.22"N 17°43'22.07"E vCard
Road map
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Tourist map
Contact: L. Hanušová
Phone: +420 554614900
Mobil phone: +420 777598970

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Booking or a question
The guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov
The guesthouse Šelenburk - KrnovThe guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov
Stock of accommodation:34 beds.
Double-bedded rooms:9
Three-bedded rooms:1
Four-berth rooms:2
Apartment:1 Apartment, 5 Beds.
Sanitary installations:Each room is equipped with a bathroom with a toilet and a shower.
TV:Each room is equipped with a TV set, telephone and an internet access.
Barrier-free access:Except for rooms whole areal is barrier free.
Outdoor tea garden:The tea garden with service.
Skiing:There is a private ski slope with a rolba maintained snow cover.
Sport possibilities:Bikeways and nature trails all around the guest house.
Ski depository:Inside of the building.
Bike depository:Inside of the building.
Suitable to families with children:YES, there is a sandpit on the garden, possibility of renting toys.
Domestic animals:On enquiry.
Car park:At the guest house grounds, compound.
Accommodation price list:
Price for 1 bed:400,- CZK / one night.
Price for a double-bedded room:700,- CZK / one night.
Price for a three-bedded room:950,- CZK / one night.
Price for o four-berth room:1200,- CZK / one night.
Price for an apartment:1500,- CZK / one night.
Room furnishings:
The guesthouse Šelenburk - KrnovThe guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov
The guesthouse Šelenburk - KrnovThe guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov
Sanitary installations:
The guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov The guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov The guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov
Seating capacity:90
Opening hours:Mo - Thu: 11:00 - 22:00, Fri - Sat: 11:00 - 24:00, Su: 11:00 - 22:00 hod.
Meals:Soups, cold and warm starters, poultry, vension, specialities, made-to-order meals, fish, vegetarian food, salads, desserts, sundaes. For more detailed information see THE FOOD AND BEVERAGES MENU.
Beverages:Wide chioce of hard and soft drinks, draught beer Pilsner Urqell 12, Radegast 10, Kozel (dark), near beer Radegast Birell, drinks menu, see above.
Smoking area:Non-smoking dinning room.
Luncheon vouchers:Gastrotour and others.
Actions:We organize feasts, beanfeasts, family dinner parties, weddings and other social events.
The hunt-style dining room:
The guesthouse Šelenburk - KrnovThe guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov
The guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov The guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov
Winebar and a barroom:
The guesthouse Šelenburk - KrnovThe guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov
Šelenburk events:
The guesthouse Šelenburk - KrnovThe guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov
How do You get here:
By car:

  • From Opava (Ostrava):
  • Take the road I/57 in direction Krnov. Right before Krnov turn left and keep going up the hill for apx. 400 m to the guest house Šelenburk (the diversion is marked by a well visible advertisement of the guest house).

  • From Bruntál (Šumperk, Olomouc):
  • Take the road I/45 in direction Krnov. After entering Krnov drive straight through both roundabouts (direction Opava) and just after getting out of Krnov turn right and keep the road up the hill for apx. 400 m to the guest house Šelenburk (the diversion is marked by a well visible advertisement of the guest house).

  • From Jeseník:
  • Take the road I/44 (direction Mikulovice), in Mikulovice turn right to the direction Zlaté Hory - II/457, then keep the road II/445 (direction Vrbno pod Pradědem). In Heřmanovice at the crossroads turn left to the road II/453 (direction Hynčice) and keep the road to Město Albrechtice. At the crossroads turn right to the road I/57 and drive on to Krnov. After entering Krnov drive straight through three roundabouts (direction Opava) and just after getting out of Krnov turn right and keep the road up the hill for apx. 400 m to the guest house Šelenburk (the diversion is marked by a well visible advertisement of the guest house).

    Bus connection:
    Bus station Krnov is about 400 m far from the town centre. The long-distance lines Opava - Praha, and Olomouc – Ostrava stop here.

    Train connection:
    The closest railway station - Krnov, Cvilín. The railway station is on the local line Krnov - Opava.
    Sheltered terrace room:
    The guesthouse Šelenburk - KrnovThe guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov
    Outdoor tea garden:
    The guesthouse Šelenburk - KrnovThe guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov
    The guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov The guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov
    Booking or a question for keeper
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    First name and surname *
    Street and house No.
    Town and code
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    Number of peopleadultskids
    More questions or comments:
    * items labeled with asterisk must be filled or the order won´t be accepted
    Ski slope of the guest house Šelenburk:
    The guesthouse Šelenburk - KrnovThe guesthouse Šelenburk - Krnov

    Map of the location - the red pointer is headed to the aim

    Map of the location 1:50 000 - the red pointer is headed to the aim
    Mapa umístění

    Rychlebské hory Ski Karlov MKZ Jeseník

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